Art Appreciation General Manhole Artists Manhole Cover Topics Manhole Sculpture National Post Card Week News-Events PostCards Sculptures Story Behind the Art

National Post Card Week 2013 “City of Orlando”

National Post Card Week is celebrated annually during the first full week of  May.  Since 1991, I have been a participant, sending out a post card usually based on one of my manhole cover  relief works. See my collection:  Bobbi Mastrangelo- Postcards -“The Grate Works” -transforms manhole covers, sewers and grates into artistic streetscapes.I exchange […]

Artistic Contritubions Family Father Friendship General Inspirational Quotes News-Events

Meeting Author Azar Nafisi

Several months ago I was asked to donate an artwork for an appreciation gift to Azar Nafisi, one of the visiting authors at The 2013 Festival of the Literary Arts in Winter Park, Florida.  Winter With the Writers | Rollins College  I love culture and literary adventures, so I agreed to give an art work.  I […]

Art Appreciation Art Happenings Friendship General GRandchild Manhole Artists Manhole Cover Topics Manhole Sculpture My Art Career News-Events Positive Reinforcement Sculptures Water Covers

Friendship and Art Appreciation

 Friends appreciating art and artists appreciating their friends’ support. Many artists like myself work alone and often my art is shipped to exhibits which I can not attend. Recently my friend Sandy Wicker sent me a photo of herself standing next to my miniature “Reuse” sculpture at The Mills Pond House in St. James, NY. […]

General News-Events

Irish Blessings for St. Paddy’s Day and Everyday

Across the globe, all people look for excuses to celebrate life… to add joy to their days.  And St. Patricks’s Day is no exception. People of all nationalities Wear the Green and become Irish for a day. On March 17th, not only do I try to wear green, but I give away “Lucky Bucks” (dollar […]

A Little Girl's Dedication General News-Events Positive Reinforcement PostCards

A Beautiful Moment

 Keeping an optimistic attitude daily can be challenging.  Long ago I read in a positive thinking book that if one looks for a special moment or surprise in each day, the entire day takes on an expectant attitude of wonder. Well today’s beautiful moment was so special that I will be thinking about it all […]

Books General News-Events Patriotic Recommended


 and “President Hunters” by Friedrich O. Georg (A book with campaign reform ideas)   POST ELECTION GRAYS We’re tired of…… Mudslinging campaigns And Politicians’ Forays That Submerge us in Post- election grays. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here’s a political philosophy to brighten your days.   President Hunters by Friedrich O. Georg President Hunters by Friedrich O Georg was the book chosen by […]

Art Happenings General Manhole Cover Topics My Art Career News-Events Water Covers

Manhole Cover Photo Contributions

  Over the years, family, friends and even web viewers whom I’ve never met have sent photos and rubbings of manhole covers and water covers from the USA and around the world. Some of their photos and rubbings have already inspired sculpture relief works that are shown in my gallery.  Rubbings are saved in huge […]

Art Happenings General Manhole Artists Manhole Cover Topics My Art Career News-Events Public Works Water Water Covers

Three Reasons to Vote for Mastrangelo’s “When the People Care”

          3 Reasons to vote for Bobbi   Mastrangelo’s “When?” (the people care)   1.  When The People Care promotes environmental concern, and anti-Litter action.   2.  Mastrangelo’s manhole cover theme urges protection of our precious resources.   3. “When”  venerates the work of engineers, foundries, highway maintenance, water authorities and sanitation departments, etc.   […]

Advice for Artists General My Art Career News-Events Story Behind the Art

Bobbi Mastrangelo’s art highlighted in “How to Present Your Art with Impact”

Carolyn Edlund  included a bit about my art in her article “How to Present Your Art with Impact.” She gives  fantastic advice to help advance an art career.  There are many practical suggestions for portfolio presentations and marketing  art.  If you have a great presentation on your website, Carolyn Edlund would appreciate your comments and  your website link at I would like to share the […]

Biography Daughter Family General Manhole Cover Topics My Art Career National Post Card Week News-Events Photos Poetry PostCards Story Behind the Art

ABOUT is more than a BIO

ABOUT on Bobbi Mastrangelo’s web site has:   A  Bobbi’s Bio with a Photo, Achievements Accolades and Resumes “A Teacher Turned Artist” by  Robby Grisafi, a Fifth Grade Student “Bobbi Mastrangelo, a former elementary schoolteacher is now a Port Jefferson Artist. Her art is very different than most people’s idea of art. She makes reliefs and sculptures of […]

Website is under construction currently, please revisit soon. Thanks, Bobbi