Carolyn Edlund included a bit about my art in her article “How to Present Your Art with Impact.” She gives fantastic advice to help advance an art career. There are many practical suggestions for portfolio presentations and marketing art.
If you have a great presentation on your website, Carolyn Edlund would appreciate your comments and your website link at
I would like to share the advice of the mentors who influenced my development:
In the 1980’s Master Printer, Dan Welden advised me to get a style or a theme.
He also suggested that his students send photos of themselves and their art news to local papers.
Professor Lawrence Alloway, author of American Pop Art, took the time to view samples of my work and pointed out that circles were a common denominator which prompted my theme of circular manhole covers.
Cheryl Wilson is the creative designer of my web site: “Tell us the story behind your art works and Keep your news current!” are her mottos.
7 replies on “Bobbi Mastrangelo’s art highlighted in “How to Present Your Art with Impact””
Hi Bobbi,
I just wrote an article on artists presenting their work as a collection and being focused in their direction.
I’d like to request permission to use your image of “Manhattan DPW” within that article. Credit will be given to you and a link to your site. Let me know if that would be OK – I expect the article to post on Tuesday. Thanks!
Bobbi – you are a great example of an artist who has a great niche and focus and a collection which says “professional” all over it. I hope you get some hits from the link! The image looks fine.
BTW, in the next couple of weeks I will be contacting everyone who has been featured or in any article and asking them for updates to create more links for everyone, and will let you know soon . . .
Thank you for mentioning me on web.
Your site is really all YOU and you do a great job.
I love your stories and articles.
C. Your Web Master
dear bobbi – i have seen your work and love it!
as to the chinese seals – all were carved in china by folks who specialize on trips i have made – they are variations of my name in chinese – some are using the sounds – some relate to my birth month – if you know chinese characters, you certainly could design your own.
i really like to use them on my artwork as well.
thanks for your email
judith cantor
To Bobbi Mastrangelo
After looking at this list of blog entries,I just googled your name. Fascinating. More power to you.
You have made something of your life and talent and enriched yourself, your family and your world.
MaryAnn Haering Sanchez
Your Maryvale HS Classmate in CA
CONGRATULATIONS! So nice to receive recognition and admiration. Passion, focus – oh, yes talent! – are recognized in your work. I’m so happy for you. Thanks for sharing.
Hope you and Al are having a wonderful summer. Ron & I are busy. Enjoying Chautauqua Institution programming, family and friends. And, oh yes, still re-working the cottage.
One of the things I’m happy about is reading about your success.
You’ve done amazing things with your creative and innovative talents. Every time I read something new and exciting about your achievements, I smile and say, “ Well, would you look at her.”
Terry Arzillo
Smithtown NY Teacher Center