Meet Bobbi Mastrangelo Stories & Insights July 15, 2024 Share This Article We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Bobbi Mastrangelo. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Bobbi below. Alright, Bobbi thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. We’d love to hear about […]
Bobbi Mastrangelo’s AI Experience
My first Experience Working with AI on April 6, 2024 (AI =Artificial Intelligence) My developmental Editor suggested trying AI for an engaging experience. Have it write you a poem from your favorite character – just for fun. First I requested a poem from Emily Dickinson. I received a lovely poem in her former […]
Mastrangelo’s sculpture relief is included in the Solivita Artisans’ Guild Exhibit hosted by the Lake Wales Art Center March 4, – March 28, 2024. The juried exhibition will include all genres of art including painting, drawing, photography, jewelry, tie-dying and batik, quilting and sewing by members of The Solivita Artisans’ Guild. The Lake Wales Art […]
Bobbi Mastrangelo’s Orlando Manhole Sculptures on Exhibit at Orlando City Hall Dec. 19 – May 26, 2024.”In the Round,” is a group exhibit sponsored by the Florida Chapter of The National Association of Women Artists. City of Orlando is based on a brick roadway scene in Loch Haven Park near the Orlando Museum of Art. […]
Some of you may have read the recent blog post with an excerpt from my upcoming autobiography about the founding of the Adopt-A-Spot Program in St.James NY. This blog post hosts the second excerpt from my future autobiography, very fitting for the season of gift-giving. For the PRINTMAKING Chapter, my Developmental Editor suggested adding anecdotes […]
It’s been six years since the occurrence of a Hemorrhagic Stroke. Thank God, I am a fortunate survivor. At age eighty-six, I have been reflecting at all my amazing adventures as a wife, educator, mother, manhole artist, community activator, polyglot, sister, and friend. I have been attempting to put many of my experiences into an […]
Bobbi Mastrangelo’s “ Metropolitan Cover” won honorable mention at the City Life competition sponsored by Ten Moir Gallery May 2023. Her sculpture relief displayed artistic skill, and creativity and they were honored to showcase it. Her artwork will be featured alongside other talented artists from around the world in their Concrete Canvas Virtual […]
Bobbi Mastrangelo’s triptych , features the Four Elements in the center piece: Earth at the top, (clockwise) Air, Water at the bottom, then Fire. From ancient cultures to modern societies, the Four Elements — Earth, Wind. Fire, Water — have provided various explanations about aspects of the material world, the forces of energy, and the […]
Bobbi Mastrangelo’s “Da Gracias Por Agua” exhibited at Osceola Arts in Kissimmee Florida, March 2022 in The Dream Shapes Exhibit, which presents the art of Florida Sculptors Guild members. DREAM SHAPES: Some people fall asleep and get ideas for artwork, others daydream. These dreams, that have been dancing around in our heads, can be brought […]
Many of you are already familiar with my unique art, but if you are new to this website, my art is based on the theme of manhole covers, water covers, and grates, called “Grate Works of Art.” This sculpture has been given the Italian name for Pure Water, “Acqua […]