Art Happenings Bobbi News Environmental Art Manhole Cover Art Manhole Sculpture Sewer Art Uncategorized

Manhole Artist, Bobbi Mastrangelo Featured in Canvas Rebel Magazine

Meet Bobbi Mastrangelo Stories & Insights July 15, 2024 Share This Article We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Bobbi Mastrangelo. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Bobbi below. Alright, Bobbi thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. We’d love to hear about […]


Bobbi Mastrangelo’s AI Experience

My first Experience Working with AI on April 6, 2024 (AI =Artificial Intelligence)  My developmental Editor suggested trying AI for an engaging experience. Have it write you a poem from your favorite character – just for fun.   First I requested a poem from Emily Dickinson. I received a lovely poem in her former […]


Bobbi Mastrangelo’s art included in a group Exhibition at Orlando Science Center July 15 – Sept. 3

“Celebrating American Diversity,” is a group exhibition curated by Gareth Edwards. It will run from July 15th to September 3rd 2023.The exhibit is located on the third floor of the Orlando Science Museum. The four works by Mastrangelo are based on her well known theme of manhole covers and water covers. They include “Inside 526A-R,” […]

Advice for Artists Art Appreciation Environmental Action Manhole Cover Art Story Behind the Art Uncategorized Water Covers

DA GRACIAS POR AGUA, triptych by Bobbi Mastrangelo on exhibit at Osceola Arts in Kissimmee FL March 2022

Bobbi Mastrangelo’s “Da Gracias Por Agua” exhibited at Osceola Arts in Kissimmee Florida, March 2022 in The Dream Shapes Exhibit, which presents the art of Florida Sculptors Guild members. DREAM SHAPES: Some people fall asleep and get ideas for artwork, others daydream. These dreams, that have been dancing around in our heads, can be brought […]

Art Appreciation Artistic Contritubions Bobbi News Environmental Art Story Behind the Art Uncategorized

Women in the Arts Pod Cast

Natalia Guerrero interviewed me for a pod cast for Women in the Arts. This was one of the best interviews I have ever had. Natalia read about me on Wikipedia, the web website and on line.  She also read my short SCI- FI adventure about my art going to Mars in 2037. So her questions […]

Environmental Art Uncategorized Water Covers

“Acqua Pura”, Mastrangelo’s Newest Sculpture

Many of you are already familiar with my unique art, but if you are new to this website, my art is based on the theme of manhole covers, water covers, and grates, called “Grate Works of Art.”             This sculpture has been given the Italian name for Pure Water, “Acqua […]



  This website was designed especially fo you to consider my art for EXHIBITION and  ACQUISITION.  My art theme is based on manhole covers, water covers, grates and drains, called “Grate Works of Art.” This art has historical significance, because it is a visual documentation of our Urban Landscapes.  Every year manhole covers are replaced, […]

Biography News-Events


DEAR ART LOVERS, WELCOME TO THIS UNIQUE WEBSITE FEATURING MANHOLE ART Why Manhole Covers? (instead of portraits or landscapes?) The question most people ask is “Why did you ever pick such a ridiculous theme?”  Some people even shake their heads when they think about the mundane iron covers we all walk over. Well, it all began when […]

Bobbi News On Exhibit

Bobbi Mastrangelo’s Art featured in Water Works Exhibition in Winter Garden July 30-August 30, 2019

Bobbi Mastrangelo’s two artworks, “Reuse” and “Water?” are on view at the SOBO Gallery’s “Water Works” exhibition July 30 – Aug. 30, 2019. Mastrangelo is internationally known for her unique art based on the theme of manhole covers, water covers, grates and drains, called “Grate Works of Art.”  Mastrangelo’s environmental focus has been on the […]

Environmental Art Hand made paper News-Events Water Valve Covers

Bobbi Mastrangelo’s art at SOBO in Winter Garden July 30 – Aug. 30th 2019

Two of Bobbi Mastrangelo’s “Water Works” are featured in Winter Garden Art Association exhibition called “Water Works.” Mastrangelo is internationally known for her unique art based on the theme of manhole covers. water covers, grates and drains, called “Grate Works of Art.”  Here are her two pieces, “Reuse” and “Water?.” Mastrangelo’s environmental focus has been […]

Website is under construction currently, please revisit soon. Thanks, Bobbi