It’s been six years since the occurrence of a Hemorrhagic Stroke. Thank God, I am a fortunate survivor. At age eighty-six, I have been reflecting at all my amazing adventures as a wife, educator, mother, manhole artist, community activator, polyglot, sister, and friend. I have been attempting to put many of my experiences into an […]
Category: Environmental Action
Bobbi Mastrangelo’s “Da Gracias Por Agua” exhibited at Osceola Arts in Kissimmee Florida, March 2022 in The Dream Shapes Exhibit, which presents the art of Florida Sculptors Guild members. DREAM SHAPES: Some people fall asleep and get ideas for artwork, others daydream. These dreams, that have been dancing around in our heads, can be brought […]
C.L.E.A.N. (A poetic story of a grass roots Environmental Organization) by Bobbi Mastrangelo The litter grew by leaps and bounds No one cared to keep the grounds, Something must be done: just look around, So a group came together, from all over town. Each person adopted just one spot. Raked and cleaned a littered lot, […]