Why Manhole Covers? (instead of portraits or landscapes?)
The question most people ask is “Why did you ever pick such a ridiculous theme?” Some people even shake their heads when they think about the mundane iron covers we all walk over.
Well, it all began when I was a Mom going back to college to study art. I experimented in every style and medium possible.
Master Printer, Dan Welden advised me to settle on one style or medium. The distinguished professor of Art History, Lawrence Alloway looked at my little album of art creations and said, “You have a penchant for circles!
What a conundrum?
“! how could I develop a style or theme using circles”? I wondered.
Eureka! One day I discovered two pages containing manhole cover photographs! Wow! “What a perfect theme! for me ” That was 1979 and I am still doing “Grate Works!”
Looking at the Gallery, you will note that some of the images are squeezed or compressed. Just click on the art image and it will revert to the correct proportions. To return to the Gallery, click on the X in the upper left corner.
I welcome your support and comments. I would love to know your favorites of my art. List the titles and tell why you like them.