
Bobbi Mastrangelo’s”Water?” Where Does the Water Go Exhibit at U of Alabama

    Where Does the Water Go? Exhibition  April 2023 A Women Eco Artists Dialog Exhibition Curated by Elisabeth Pellathy 21st Street Project Space (3rd floor gallery) University of Alabama at Birmingham Artist Talk on Zoom: Saturday, April 15, 3 pm CT Zoom link passcode: 765852 Exhibiting Artists: Sarah Heath, Alabama, sculpture Bobbi (Barbara) Mastrangelo, […]

Anti-Litter Artistic Contritubions Biography Collagraph Environmental Art Hand made paper Manhole Artists Manhole Cover Art News-Events Sculptures Story Behind the Art Water Water Covers Water Valve Covers

#Mastrangelo’s Environmental Art #Earth Care: Part One (Earth Day is Every Day).

Bobbi Mastrangelo’s Art and Community Involvement focus on Caring for Our Planet Earth. This is the First Blog in a three part series on EARTH CARE. “When the People Care” Why would anyone want to incorporate litter into an art work? When Bobbi Mastrangelo began her manhole cover art theme, she used to sweep the litter […]

Website is under construction currently, please revisit soon. Thanks, Bobbi