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“Poinciana Artist Heads to The Orlando Museum of Art” (condensed version)

Poinciana Artist Heads to The Orlando Museum of Art Next Month for 1st Thursday. (Condensed Version)   December 25th, 2011  Michael Freeman POINCIANA — Bobbi Mastrangelo isn’t totally certain what the theme “Sculpture: the Ultimate Process” truly means, since like most works of art, it can be open to various interpretations. 
“Ultimate usually means the […]

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Mastrangelo’s “John E. Potente” Collagraph at The Heckscher Museum of Art

The Heckscher Museum Huntington (Long Island) in New York  USA    The Heckscher Museum of Art regularly organizes installations highlighting works from their Permanent Collection.  Their most recent exhibition, in the far south gallery, is entitled “A WAY WITH WORDS: TEXT IN ART” curated by Lisa Chalif.  Included is Bobbi Mastrangelo’s collagraph print on hand […]

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What Makes Us Smile? (Kids’ Drawings and the Kids Themselves)

  Our grandson Drew made this pencil drawing during our visit in the 2011 Christmas Vacation. Don’t you just adore kid’s drawings!  They make me smile.  And if you knew Drew you would continue to smile.  So dear viewers, let’s start the New Year in the Happiness Mode. Here are links to previous drawings by […]


For a Bright, Healthy and Joyful 2012!

This video says it all: Happy New Year – Auld Lang Syne by Sissel (Live).wmv – YouTube Blessings for Kindness and Peace on Earth!

Website is under construction currently, please revisit soon. Thanks, Bobbi