Poinciana Artist Heads to The Orlando Museum of Art Next Month for 1st Thursday. (Condensed Version)
December 25th, 2011 Michael Freeman

POINCIANA — Bobbi Mastrangelo isn’t totally certain what the theme “Sculpture: the Ultimate Process” truly means, since like most works of art, it can be open to various interpretations. “Ultimate usually means the final or the greatest,” she said. If that was the intention at the Orlando Museum of Art, Mastrangelo is indeed getting some very high praise.
Nevertheless, when the Orlando Museum of Art decided to make their theme for January “Sculpture: the Ultimate Process,” Mastrangelo said it was quite a privilege to be invited to display her own sculptures there. “It gives the chosen artists a chance to show their work and meet the public, “It’s like a party, a reception, actually. Mastrangelo’s art will compliment the theme: “The Ultimate Process:” Thursday, Jan. 5 from 6-9 P.M.
Known as “Orlando’s original art party,” the 1st Thursdays are presented by the Associates, OMA’s volunteer support group committed to expanding the museum’s member ship and encouraging an appreciation of the visual arts.
“City of Orlando”
The Orlando Museum of Art is at 2416 N. Mills Ave. in downtown Orlando. Admission for non-members of the Orlando Museum of Art is $10 at the door.
Mastrangelo is known for her sculpture relief works based on grates, drains, manhole covers and water covers. Her sculpture “City of Orlando” was inspired by the museum’s own parking lot at Loch Haven Park, with its terra cotta bricks and cast iron sanitary covers. I artistically created that scene. —There is also art outside the museum, so I’ve created the beauty of the art we walk over.
Mastrangelo, 74, is an artist who lives at the Solivita active adult community in Poinciana. As a member of The Solivita Artisans Guild, she continues to create new works of art and to display her creative pieces at different venues.
Her “Buckeye Water Meter” wall relief was on exhibit at The Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio last summer.
During the January 5th reception guests can view Mastrangelo’s three relief works and meet the Central Florida sculptors whose artworks have been chosen for this exhibit.
For more information, log on to www.omart.org.
To learn about the artist’s work, email her at grateworks@aol.com or log on to: www.bobbimastrangelo.com.
Contact Michael Freeman at: FreelineOrlando@Gmail.com.
http://freelinemediaorlando.com/poinciana-artist-heads-to-the-orlando-museum-of-art-next-month-for-1st-thursday/ (The complete article)
Mastrangelo with “Buckeye Water Meter” sculpture (Pictured Above)
6 replies on ““Poinciana Artist Heads to The Orlando Museum of Art” (condensed version)”
Dear Bobbi,
I hope the reception at The Orlando Museum of Art was all you hoped it would be and I regret that I was unable to attend.
I am very happy that your art has been recognized as it deserves to be.
I wish you continued success.
Take Care,
Kathy Glascott
Author at Solivita
Buckeye Water Meter looks like a happy face. Can I have it to add to my collection of amazing Mastrangelo Art? Put it in my hallway so I see a smile everyday as I leave to explore the world ( and think of you ).
We can talk price, love you .
Bobbi…I’m so happy for you! You make life rich and interesting not only for you,but others, too.
Your work on display at OMA is beautiful.
Thanks for being in touch!
We’re here until 5/15, then back in Oct.
If you and Al are ever on the east coast,
it would be fun to see you.
Our best to you!
Amy Neff
Unity Volunteer
Hello Bobbi,
I just browsed through your site, Bobbi,
and was amazed by the quality of your
work and how productive you have been
along the years.
With Love,
Tacito and Ana Nobre
Sao Paulo Brazil
Bobbi –
Your work is unusual, exciting, creative and fun!
Good for you to enjoy it so and provide all of us with such interesting art!
Continue to pursue the wonderful gift God has given you and thanks for
including me in viewing your efforts. Love your website!
All the best…..
Big hugs, Bonnie Byrne
President, Solivita Book circle
I think the “buckeye manhole” looks like a sunflower, and if block, cement and iron could be a sunflower, that would be it! Love the smile! You are so astounding in every piece of art you create, love, love, love it!
Your Dress-Designer Friend