Architectural Design Artistic Contritubions Inspirational Quotes Manhole Sculpture Memorial Military Music News-Events Nine Eleven Art and Poetry for 9/2011 Other Artists Paintings Paintings Patriotic Patriotism PEACE Photos Poetry Positive Reinforcement Sculptures Slide Shows Story Behind the Art

Nine Eleven Memorial Tribute in 2011

ARTISTS’ CONTRIBUTIONS FOR 9/11/2011 TRIBUTE Curated by Bobbi Mastrangelo & Posted by Cheryl Wilson The Attack The Ruins Rescues and Searches   Waiting, Hoping Angels Memorials Poems, Music, Artifacts   Operation Iraqi Freedom Ground Zero Memorial 2011 Photos. THE ATTACK “Soaring Spirits at Ground Zero” Oil on Canvas 5′ x 6′  2002 June Long -Schuman […]

Manhole Cover Topics News-Events PostCards Story Behind the Art

2007 Postcard Dedication

24TH Annual Post Card Week May 6 – 12, 2007 “FREEDOM” This year’s PC theme is dedicated to our soldiers and citizens who fight for freedom and work together for global peace. Here is the story about setting the scene for “Freedom.” Setting the Scene: All the steps of creation: p=25   “WHO WILL STAND […]

Website is under construction currently, please revisit soon. Thanks, Bobbi