
“Inside/Out” Mastrangelo exhibits Three “Grate Works” at Orlando Museum of Art’s 1st Thursday: 6-9 P.M. May 1, 2014

I already had planned to submit art for  Orlando Museum of Arts’ First Thursday  Exhibition on May 1st.  My “Florida Storm Sewer” sculpture relief definitely fit the chosen theme: “INSIDE/OUT!”

                                                                                                                           “FLORIDA STORM SEWER” 48″ x 29″ x 6″sculpture relief

It features a simulated 24″ diameter manhole cover for the upper sidewalk level which protrudes six inches from the wall.  The lower street level hugs the wall with the environmental message “DO NOT POLLUTE” stenciled on the simulated black asphalt. Peering down from the top, one can view INSIDE to observe the drain below.

“INSIDE 52GA-R” 26″ 15″ x 6″ with mud, roots and stones 

As for the other two pieces, the inspiration came in the strangest forms. After my husband Al finished installing two Hampton Bay Fans in the Lanai, he asked if I could use the foam inserts from the empty boxes. He thought I would cut them up and use them for packing artwork.

But I immediately envisioned the underside of a utility cover viewed from underground. The first foam support evolved into”Inside 52GA-R” taken from the box number.  One can view INSIDE the underground cover and feel the presence of a freshly dug mud hole with  exposed roots and stones.  “Inside 52GA-R” was perfect for my second entry to OMA’s theme “INSIDE/OUT.”

Post Script:  “Inside 52GA-R” was awarded Best of Show in this exhibit. “Inside and Out” I was so pleased to receive the honor. It was a very special experience creating this piece, almost like I was guided by divine intervention. Here is a link to The “Grate News:”


27″ x 16″ x 6″ Mixed Media Relief with hand-blown glass inserts, foam core, stones, mud, gravel and & interior lighting.

The OUTSIDE of the second fan box would be adapted into what could be called a “Skylight Chimney Cover.” During the Victorian Era there were underground storage areas for all kinds of resources especially coal shutes. But electricity had not yet been invented to light the underground.  Some of the utility covers were embedded with round pieces of glass to allow OUTSIDE  light to shine INSIDE below the sidewalk level.

This piece is back lit. The hidden string of lights secured in the back can be switched on to illuminate the glass. It is hard to imagine all the stages of creating this piece (watch for a future post). “Victorian Illuminated Cover” was a perfect 3rd entry for “INSIDE/OUT.”

I finished the Victorian piece so close to the deadline that I had to pay the huge Fed Ex Weekend Fee to overnight my photos, application and entry fee.  I  AWAITED THE RESULTS!   EUPHORIA! All three pieces were accepted for Orlando Museum of Art’s 1st Thursday Exhibition on May 1, 2014.  The Reception is from 6-9 PM.  If you live in the Orlando area or are visiting you are invited to attend.  Please share the news! and Oh! your comments are so appreciated.

32 replies on ““Inside/Out” Mastrangelo exhibits Three “Grate Works” at Orlando Museum of Art’s 1st Thursday: 6-9 P.M. May 1, 2014”

Fantastic, truly creative work. Congratulations on having all 3 accepted for exhibit.
Your Brother,
Elmira NY

Bobbi…I wish I could be there but we are going home this weekend. Congratulations! I like these very much…
Your Brother-in-law,

Thanks for the reminder of the show’s opening.
Congrats on being in it, Bobbi!!!

Betty Davidson
Solivita Artisan’s Guild

I am going to have to save all of my cardboard and styrofoam for you!!!
Congratulations on having all 3 pieces of your art accepted. As usual your imagination, creativity and thought process, got the best of you.
Susan Raff..forever your apprentice!!!
Solivita Novel Group and Book Circle

Bobbi…..these are “grate’! I feel privileged to have seen them evolve from their original form; thank you for the invites to take a peek as you created them. Besides being a grate artist, you are a grate neighbor! Good luck with your exhibit.
God bless you….
Neighbor and Novel Group Book Club Friend

Hi Bobbi
Really creative work, love it. Good to see you
getting some recognition getting into really
good art shows.
We will be cruising in May but we will catch another
Of your shows. Lots of luck, hope you sell out.
Marie and Ron
Solivita Artisan’s Guild

What an honor! I hope the exhibit is a success. Unfortunately we will not be here to attend.
We will be Cruising the Panama Canal, all the way, ending up in San Diego.

Best Wishes
Kay, Soprano
Solivita “Guys and Dolls”

Bobbi…you are oozing with creativity and need to be called, “Bobbi the Unstoppable!” Nothing holds you back from becoming more and more! All the Best,
Judie Chiappone
Solivita Photographer

Hi Bobbi!
How exciting and Congratulations! We are now in NY, but wish we could be in all good places at once.
Hope you & Al and family are very well.
Most fond wishes,
Sandy & Hal
Poet and Woodcarver

Dear Bobbi,
You never cease to amaze me! Fantastic creativity! Congratulations!
Your sister,

Hi Bobbi,
Congratulations on ALL three Grate Works pieces being accepted. That’s Great ! I’m so glad I was able to see the one in progress being created and making the deadline. So sorry we are leaving on the 30th to go back to MN. Will not be able to see your Exhibition .
What a honor!

Best Wishes,
Judy Olson
Solivita Neighbor

Dear Aunt Bobbi,
That’s a very cool piece:”Inside 52GA-R.” I showed our daughter, Lia and she really likes it also. Congratulations on having your work exhibited (and good luck)!

There is an amazing exhibit at The National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa. For a while they have an installation in a chapel-style room of a 40-part motet, with each voice being piped through an individual speaker, with the speakers set up in a circle pointing to the center of the room, so you can stand in the middle of a 40 person “choir”.
I told my friend that I want to go back just to lie down in that room for an hour or so and bathe in the sound.
Give our best to uncle Al, and enjoy the May 1st exhibit!
Your Nephew
Jeremy Mastrangelo
Your Nephew

Bobbi, your works of art are a true gift from heaven! Continued success in all you do. I’m proud of your works
and proud to be your neighbor.
Please keep us informed of your exhibits
and accomplishments.
Sarita + Jimmy Livingstone

Hi Bobbi,

Congratuations on winning “Best in Show”. Awsome display of creativity and talent. We wish you even “grater” successes and continued blessings.

Dear Bobbi,

How beautiful and creative are the three Art Pieces that you have exhibited at the Orlando Museum of Art. Our most sincere congratulations!

With love,

Tacito & Ana Maria
Sao Paulo Brazil

What an incredible honor.
You must be on cloud 9.
Congratulations to you and good
luck on winning the next level.
Solivita Artisan’s Guild

Congratulations Bobbi!!
I remember your winning sculpture. It was great.
Wishing you a creative summer as well.
Take care
Solivita Artisan’s Guild

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