(A poetic story of a grass roots Environmental Organization)
by Bobbi Mastrangelo
The litter grew by leaps and bounds
No one cared to keep the grounds,
Something must be done: just look around,
So a group came together, from all over town.
Each person adopted just one spot.
Raked and cleaned a littered lot,
Planted flowers with tender care
Everyone noticed a town so fair.
Brooms, rakes and flowers: logo for CLEAN
Tall, friendly mascot joined the scene.
Clean Bear with fur white as snow
Urged the children to “Join the show!”
The pictures they drew and their stories too
Showed their elders what to do:
“Stop littering and beautify our town!”
Their pride began to spread around.
A news reporter coined the name C.L.E.A.N.
(Committee for Litter Elimination And Neatness).
Read more about the Founding of CLEAN, Adopt-A spots and Beautifying The Township: http://bobbimastrangelo.com/MyNews/?p=4915
3 replies on “#CLEAN Story (Poem) by Bobbi Mastrangelo # Earth Care: Part Three”
Dear Bobbi:
You sent me this message, and I was working on a sign for my street: LOVE THE EARTH!!! KEEP IT CLEAN!!! EARTH DAY IS FOREVER!!!!
I know You have been involved with C>L>E>A>N> and other environmental causes, constructions and messages. The rubbings of manhole covers, created by you and the children are wonderful.
Life is a circle, it is a wheel, it is a FLOW!!! Glad to hear from you and that you are sending forth your message.
We are “Up-State” Sisters, linked forever by “New Art in New York”. Thank you for sending this to us, Best to you and Al. Helene and Bill
W.And H. Leonardi & Co.
Hi Bobbi,
I love your CLEAN story poem.
Once again, it makes clear that one and each person can make a difference. It is an encouraging poem with the message that everybody counts. And every action counts, be it the be it the person, who decided not to litter, or
the persons who decided to pick up litter. We are all in this together.
With Grate enthusiasm,
Gaby Backert
With your involvement in CLEAN and your art, you are an activist for our Earth, you will never know the positive difference you make , but when you see people caring, you can have the satisfying thought, that you are doing a big part, and maybe….your activism caused people to do something. Awareness is the first major step.
It’s just Grate.
Toda and Shalom
Gaby, Solivita Quilter