Biography Daughter Family General Manhole Cover Topics My Art Career National Post Card Week News-Events Photos Poetry PostCards Story Behind the Art

ABOUT is more than a BIO

ABOUT on Bobbi Mastrangelo’s web site has:   A  Bobbi’s Bio with a Photo, Achievements Accolades and Resumes “A Teacher Turned Artist” by  Robby Grisafi, a Fifth Grade Student “Bobbi Mastrangelo, a former elementary schoolteacher is now a Port Jefferson Artist. Her art is very different than most people’s idea of art. She makes reliefs and sculptures of […]

Manhole Cover Topics News-Events PostCards Story Behind the Art

2006 NPCW Postcard Dedication

2006 NPCW Postcard Dedication “Grate Spring”, my 2006 issue for National Post Card Week is dedicated to Landscape Architect, Brian Mahoney. “Grate Spring”  (Daffodils) 28” Garden Sculpture Pub: Monarch Graphics Post Card page One Autumn, Brian secretly planted daffodil bulbs under my garden grate.  That was over a decade ago and yet I still fondly recall […]

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