I came across my daughter’s essay while preparing my files for The Archives at The National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington DC.
It made me feel very nostalgic, realizing how important my family is to me. And so Anne Marie’s story will initiate a series about the family’s support of my art career.
View Anne’s Essay in her own handwriting:
“My Mother the Artist”
Anne Mastrangelo at age 12
27 replies on “My Mother the Artist”
Dear Bobbi,
What a lovely tribute.
So glad you shared it.
Your High School Friend,
Mary Ann Haring Sanchez
How nice to read of your daughter’s awakening to your talent!
from: an old “private collector” of 14 your works from 1981-1991:
Bobbi Mastrangelo’s Art
Collection of: Kitty and Gordon Newman
Acquired the Following Works: Title
1981 Autumn Reverie
Picasso’s World
1982 Singing Tree
1983 Unicorn
Blue Woods
1984 Sylvan Sage
1985 Grate Images: Relief
1987 Buckeye: Mixed Media
1988 Manhattan Grate
San Francisco Water
1990 Water Service
1991 Eureka Series:
Eureka Water Dept.
Eureka Flag
Eureka Trivia
Stay well,
Gordon & Kitty Newman
I have an-almost grown daughter (19)
and this brought tears to my eyes – –
Thank you,
Susan Peacock Professional Artist
Member: FL Chapter National
Association of Women Artists
Thanks so much for sharing this precious, priceless
essay from your dear daughter. A true treasure
from a daughter’s heart to her mother’s heart!
God’s Blessings,
Nancy Wibben
Professional Educator
Hi Bobbi!
Ann Marie’s letter is just darling!!!!
It is a truly heart felt account of her
Mother’s talents!!!! Thanks for sending!
Hi Bobbi,
Thanks so much for sending this!
That’s great. Big Congrats!
Judy Mastrangelo
Professional Artist and Friend
The Mystical Visions of Judy Mastrangelo
What a niece essay Anne wrote about you.
Thanks for sending it…
Your brother-in-law,
Angelo Mastrangelo
Adjunct Professor: Binghamton University
Dear Bobbi,
Thank you for sharing your daughter’s letter
and your beautiful artwork.
Best regards,
Sheila Sharfarz
Solivita Artisan’s Guild
What a beautiful treasure to have!
Wilma Siegel
Professional Artist FL Chapter
National Assoc. of Women Artists
What a lovely remembrance, Bobbi! You are a lucky mom.
Joan and Gary
What a nice essay, does life get any better than
the moment that you first read that? I think not!
By the way I have gotten quite a number of
wonderful comments on all the art work of yours
that is hanging in “Aunt Betty’s Bed and Breakfast”.
I am sending you a pic of the pollution piece I have
of yours: “When the People Care,” because I made the
frame myself of found wood and was hoping you approve.
Thanks for the update!
I can see why the note has such special meaning.
It is a real treasure!
Narda Handler
Hi !!!!
Thanks for sharing this with us. We still have the photo card
that you gave us the night we met you at the first dance.
Continue all your artistry in good health and enjoy always.
See you around Solivita.
May and Doug
Hello there Bobbi,
Thank you for keeping me abreast of all that
happens in your art life. Seems to me like you
are touching/inspiring so many people with your
work, and also staying attuned in the art world.
Well, continue to make news and history.
Until the next time, keep a smile,
James Arenas
Your Window Man and Handyman
This letter is awesome! Bobbi.
Kendall Bell
Writer and Speaker
Editor of “From the Heart,
Stories of Love and Friendship”
How special!!!
Your neighbor,
Idalia Velez
What a gift you give to us by sharing this precious history.
It is very moving. Thank you for sharing.
Ann is so insightful and mature for her age.
You are fortunate to have a loving family.
How ” Grate ” it is to have such a wonderful daughter.
Thanks for sharing it with us. I look forward to your
postcard every year. Keep those cards coming.
Audrey Madans
Hatpincard Lady
National Post Card Week Pen Pal
You can be proud of your daughter to have the insight
at the early age of 12 as it just dawned on her.
As a Mother you can be so proud of her,
but she is finally proud of you and realizes
how talented you are also.
How lucky she is to have you as her Dear Mom.
I wonder what she would write today about you and your work?
Hi Bobbi,
Isn’t wonderful how you are able to
touch so many people’s lives.
Thank you for being in mine.
Your Web Master,
Cheryl Wilson
Hi Bobbi,
That was a great remembrance! I hope you and Al
are doing well. I have been in Dublin, Ireland for
the last 5 months. It’s great here but I do miss home.
Thank you for bringing a little bit of home to me
when I am so far away.
Yuen Tang,
Anne’s College Roomate ’88-92
Dear Bobbi,
From one mom to another. . .
We can’t put a price on words of love from our children.
They have an even deeper resonance when reread years later.
What a beautiful tribute from your beautiful daughter!
Mary Ann Turner
One of your former students from..
When you taught Third Grade
Hi Bobbi
I have enjoyed your emails and so appreciated
the story written by your daughter.
What a delightful person she is!
Your Book Club Buddy
at Solivita
A great article.
A lovely letter from your daughter.
Don Perrotti
“Guys and Dolls” Tenor
at Solivita
Thanks Bobbi,
Even if you don’t hear from me
often, I do eventually read your emails.
This was even better waiting this long, so I
could read comments from your friends about
your daughter’s letter.
Hope things continue to go well for you.
Anncha Briggs (Arkansas)
Hello Bobbi,
It was such a pleasure to meet you at the gym.
What a surprise I got when I looked at your website!
I feel very privileged to have met such a talented lady!
I loved the letter your daughter wrote,
I am sure you will treasure it always.
What a wonderful little girl!
I am sure you must be just as proud
of her as she is of you.
Your work is amazing, I will be telling all my friends
back home in the UK all about my new artist friend.
Your work is very unusual, very effective, what an
impact, and what a gift to be able to create from a grate.
Thanks again Bobbi for the loan of the book on
How to Speak Russian.
Best Regards
Cyndy in Solivita
What a beautiful thing to have…
Thanks for sharing all of your talents and passions!
I look forward to seeing many more of your wonderful creations!