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Top Fifteen on “Curate This 2010” Popular Vote

Over 2,000 votes were cast from 19 countries. The award recipient was the artist, architect or designer who received the total highest number of individual votes and not necessarily the artist who received the most # 1 votes. We’d like to send out a special congratulations to Paul Troyano, this year’s International Public Vote Award […]


VOTE! August 15 – 18, 2010 for Bobbi Mastrangelo’s “When”

 An International Public Vote Award of $2,500 will be awarded to the one artist, designer, duo, group or collective who receives the highest number of public votes on their submitted works to CURATE THIS!’.      Please visit: CURATE THIS on August 15 – 18                        […]

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Three Reasons to Vote for Mastrangelo’s “When the People Care”

          3 Reasons to vote for Bobbi   Mastrangelo’s “When?” (the people care)   1.  When The People Care promotes environmental concern, and anti-Litter action.   2.  Mastrangelo’s manhole cover theme urges protection of our precious resources.   3. “When”  venerates the work of engineers, foundries, highway maintenance, water authorities and sanitation departments, etc.   […]

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