Terri Dyer, reporter correspondent for Reporter- Ledger News of Lakeland FL contacted me for a phone interview. After all the questions about my manhole art and other interests, she shared some of her interests in the literary and cultural arts. I sent her a signed copy of “From the Heart, Stories of Love and Friendship ” and some of my signed post cards.
Terri selected the post card image of Grate Spring to use in the article.

This is one of my most popular post cards. You can read more about it on: http://bobbimastrangelo.com/postcards.php
Check out the news which was also printed by the Associated Press. You will learn more than just manhole art. There is only one clarification. I only taught at the elementary school level. It was my husband who worked at the high school level. Al was Principal of High School West in Smithtown, NY.
16 replies on ““The Grate Lady” in the news.”
I read your short story in the book, “From the Heart” and saw the bookmark you included dedicated to me. Thanks for sending me all the autographed items! I’m so glad that your postcards have so much detail and clarity that they looked great when I zoomed in for photos.
The editor sometimes reprints online stories later in the Sunday weekly that gets to about 70,000 residents in the Four Corners area.
God Bless,
Terri Dyer, author of the “Grate Lady” article
Hi Bobbi
Howard sent me the article highlighting your successes in the Ledger…
It was a great article…
Finally, some news that is fit to print…
Poinciana artist becomes well known as “The Grate Lady” http://m.apnews.com/ap/db_15980/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=ygozrmpe
“Congratulations!” I enjoyed the article. Like the subject of the article, it was so upbeat!
I’m visiting your NPCW (National Post Card Week)
website on your bio next.
Your neighbor,
Dear Ms. Dyer,
Thank you so much for the wonderful article about “The Grate Lady”
Mrs. Mastrangelo’s work is so interesting, I have been lucky enough to view her work.
I really enjoyed learning about The Grate Lady, her history and her goals.
Please continue to write about other local “celebrities” and their passions.
Susan Raff
Hi Bobbi,
I do remember the poncho and blue dress with blue bugle beads for “The Bell System” and all the other manhole fashions I designed for you.
I used the photograph of the cape “The Grate Image” in documenting the art part of my degree plan! It was fun creating your floor length cape with the large glittery grate. You said it made your feel great at your “New Art in NY” exhibition.
Graduating on Sunday!!! — it is too
exciting and feels so wonderful. I am so happy.
Miss my Parents so much and thanks for saying they are “smiling down on me” – a confirmation of such a wonderful completion of their presence.
Mostly keep up the Grate Work and I will send a picture!
With love,
Your Dress Designer
How have you been? Are you still in Florida? Thanks for the kind words about my work. I really enjoy doing these still lifes. In answer to your question, the Tomatoes and Basil is listed at $3200 unframed.
I took a look at your website and blog and I can see you are still doing spectacular work!
Have you ever exchanged links with other artists on your blogsite? It helps to direct people to your web site through theirs. I will put you on mine if you don’t mind and if you get a category for it maybe you could put me on yours? Let me know what you think.
It was great to hear from you. Let’s keep in touch.
Rita Marandino
Contemporary Realism
Hi Bobbi ,
The Blog is awesome and love the flower Grate – the daffs popping out of the man holes.
Saw Mindy, she sends her regards, she did not say anything about the writer Forbes, think I did not get his name right. She said he had written about your Grate Work.
Hope all is well with you and Al and you are keeping
up the Grate Works!!!!!!!! Just applied for a Environmental
consultant who knows???? Another Grate venue!!!!!!
Be Well and I’ll e-mail you soon!!!!
Best Wishes, PS try some Cucumber and Kiwi, a splash of honey and some seltzer. It’s awesome and refreshing!!!!!!
With Love, Tia
Cucumber- Kiwi Blend
Equal parts of Kiwi to Cucumber, cut up.
Place them in a blender, food processor etc.
Then fill with seltzer to almost cover the
Kiwi & Cucumber – add a dab of honey & mix.
It is delicious, refreshing, and detoxes the system!
Love the Blog!
Your Dress Designer
Hi Bobbi,
It’s called detoxifying veggie juice.
It is 1of 5 in the most recent
First for Women magazine.
The taste is delicious.
Just what the Blog (Dr.) ordered!!!!!
A little fun- pun!
Happy Trails and Blogs!!!!!!!!
With Love,
I recently stumbled on your website from one of mine and read an article and was wondering if you write your own articles or hire someone to. I would like to use your articles or a few of them on my site and I would place a link on my site that has a page rank 3
Dear Tyson,
Terri Dyer, The Reporter who wrote the article, The Grate Lady in the News, interviewed me on the phone and also read material on my web site. Most of it is based on fact, except I did not teach High School. I taught Elementary School and later was a Title One Tutor for grades K-5. Some of my work is on hand made paper, but much of it is fiber art or scupture relief on light weight materials. The printmaker’s name is spelled Gail Edelman.
I hope this helps.
Bobbi Mastrangelo
Thank you for building your blog site, I located you on Google and I need to say I’m impressed. Appreciate it yet again…
If every editor wrote like you believe me the world would be a better place! This was an excellent read expecting more!
Wow,that made for some pleasurable reading. I am currently studying art deco and writing various pieces.How can I get in contact with you?
Savoir écrire et se faire comprendre n’est en aucun cas chose aisé pourtant c’est un succès pour Grate Thoughts » Blog Archive » “The Grate Lady” in the news. là où tant d’autres ont loupé. Il semblerait même complexe de faire plus simpliste.
(To know how to write and be understood is by no means easy thing yet it is a success for Grate Thoughts »Blog Archive» “The Grate Lady” in the news. where so many others have missed. It seems even more simplistic to complex.)
Grate Thoughts » Blog Archive » “The Grate Lady” in the news. has been added to my bookmarks. I can not wait to read even more about this subject.