
Manhole Mania: Favorites from October Manhole Madness In my last blog I introduced Michelle Ward’s Ambitious Project October Manhole Madness 2016. Every day of the month featured a different manhole marvel. If you have time to peruse the 31 day Manhole Cover Theme, you will be captivated (by the caps and covers of course.) Here are some of my favorite features: […]

Art Happenings Manhole Artists Manhole Cover Topics My Art Career News-Events Other Artists Sewers Story Behind the Art Water Covers

# “Sewers of the World, Unite” in Moscow started out as an April Fool’s Joke

I see the smirks and hear the silent smiles when people discover that my art is based on sewers and manhole covers. Imagine my surprise when I learned that there was a site in Moscow specializing in the theme I pursued in sculptures and works on hand made paper.  Sewers of the World, Unite! What […]

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