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Ode to Karl Shapiro for National Poetry Month

Ode to Karl Shapiro

 Why did I write an Ode to Karl Shapiro? Here is the answer in my Daughter Anne Marie’s own words reflecting on her elementary school days:

“Karl Shapiro’s poem, ‘Manhole Covers’ was printed in my Fifth Grade English Textbook.  I remember seeing it and thinking: Wow, someone else looks at sewers too, not just my Mom.  It must be modern art.  I showed the poem to my mother and a few years later she composed  an ‘Ode to Karl Shapiro’ based on her manhole cover adventures.                     ~Anne Marie Schauman  2013

Oxymoron: The Fringe, 1998 volume II printed Karl Shapiro’s poem “Manhole Covers next to photos of my manhole art.   You can read his poem here:  Manhole Covers – Karl Shapiro

“Ode to Karl Shapiro” in larger font:

3 replies on “Ode to Karl Shapiro for National Poetry Month”

Thanks for keeping me in the loop, Bobbi. I LOVE your work….always have!!
Roberta Fabiano

PS: I have a number of pieces now in a night club in NYC called “The Cutting Room”. Finally found a home for them. The owner actually likes to have music related pieces as opposed to “deer & field” pieces that they prefer out here in Long Island! xox

Hi Bobbi,
Just read your “Ode to Karl Shapiro Poem!”
Very nice.
I will be sending you my “Milk and Cookies” post cards
and a few others that you enjoy sending to friends.
Nelda Harris
NPCW Pen Pal
% San Diego Post Card Club

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