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National Post Card Week 2008 Dedication

Don't Go Soft on Terrorism


“Don’t Go Soft on Terrorism”

Bobbi Mastrangelo’s 2008 PC for NPCW is dedicated to

 those who lost their lives due to the 9/11 Terrorist Attack

  and to all the World Citizens fighting for freedom &  justice.

    Read the story behind the creation of the sculpture-collage.

     Grate Thoughts » Blog Archive » “Don’t Go Soft on Terrorism”

   National Post Card Week is May 4th-May 10th, 2008 

I have one hundred post card pen pals who exchange

cards annually for the first week in May.  See the

post cards in  “The Grate Works Collection”

for National Post Card Week since 1992

   Bobbi Mastrangelo- Postcards -“The Grate Works” – transforms    manhole covers, sewers and grates into artistic streetscapes.

27 replies on “National Post Card Week 2008 Dedication”

Hi Bobbi,
I thank you for your NPCW Masterpiece.
Your art work is so meaningful and will
serve well in remembering that fateful day.

I have a post card and a patch of The WTC
hanging in my living room as a reminder.

You need to distribute these post cards in masse.
Can’t wait to see your next card.
Take Care,

Dear Bobbi and Al,
“Don’t Go Soft on Terrorism” is a powerful artwork,
and I am so pleased to see it and read your
process descritpion.

I applaud your fine contribution to
National Post Card Week.

9/11 is a continuing heart break. It took me several years
before I could visit the site and it is still unresolved.
It maybe a reflection of our struggle for peace.
Thank you.

Much love,
Sandy and Hal

Hi Bobbi,
All I can say is it caused me to think and pray
for those souls and their loved ones.
It renews my prayer for peace
Thank you,

Hi Bobbi,

Thanks for your recently arrived NPCW efforts this year.
I always look forward to your cards as does my
twin brother, John.
Your tributes to our troops are personally felt by us
as our young nephew is now serving in Iraq.
My brother John’s daughter served in
Afghanistan and is back home again in Oregon.

I’ll be on the look out in Pasadena for some of those
water covers you asked me to send off to you.
Unfortunately I just read an article about the theft
of manhole covers by metal scrap culprits.
Dangerous stuff and a loss for us history buffs:


Jim Staub

Dear Bobbi,
Thank you for sharing your work with me. There is so much beauty in all of it. So much of you and your constant contributing to humanity. You are very special(that old cliche..but do believe it) and to be deeply appreciated.”Don’t Go Soft on Terrorism” move me to the core. You deserve much much credit for having the emotional and physical stamina to carry out this wonderful concept.Thank you,Bobbi.
Santa Barbara CA

Hi Bobbi,

Thank you for sharing the postcards with us. I love the 911 card the most. My husband knew people who perished on 9/11 so I am partial to it. I hope no one ever forgets 911 and will continue to fight the war on terror. Will you be selling the postcards? If so let me know.

Hi Bobbi,
As always I love your work.
The terrorism grate is very moving.
You go girl!!!
Love, Carol

Hi Bobbi,

Your blog on the 2008 postcard theme is wonderful.
You do such an in depth study and your writiing and
drawings are superb. Thanks for sharing them!!

Your Cousin,

Hello Bobbi,

Your work “Don’t Go Soft on Terrorism” to me
looks a priceless item. It belongs in a museum up north –
New York being the most appropriate
and, of course, in other places.

Though my purchase will be small, when the postcards
are ready for sale, I’ll ask for 3.

Good luck.

Dear Bobbi,
Congratulations….you must be so very proud.
What an accomplishment! I admire your dedication
and also remembering our military who are there for us daily.
God Bless…..*Arlene (Gangloff) & Norm Davis
Maryvale High School Classmate

Hi !!!
We’re very “Grateful” for your thoughtfulness in sending
us this info. You’re doing a “grate” artwork.
Con”grate”ulations !!
May and Doug Yuen

I think it looks great and I’ll never go soft on terrorism
nor will I support or vote for someone who does.

Walter Fair

Hi Bobbi,
So happy to have received you NPCW card.

Although my town Mission Texas was celebrating
its 100th birthday, I had to honor our War Heroes.
My post card pictures the twenty-four
Rio Grande Heros who paid The Ultimate Price
for freedom abroad.
Freedom comes at a very high price.

Your PC Friend from South Texas,
Barbara Turnball
April 28, 2008

Dear Bobbi Mastrangelo,
Please send me five ” “Don’t Go Soft on Terrorism” Post Cards. Enclosed is a check for $11.00. ($10 + 1.00 for postage).
I also included my personal “Fight Terror” stamp.
Thank you!
Victor Schwez

Dear Bobbi,
Thank you again for another GRATE Card. You put a lot of work into the making of it. The explanation you sent is interesting to read.
Lois Powell
NPCW Pen Pal from MI

Hello Bobbi,
What fantastic art work.
I really do appreciate your memorial, very special.
Fran Stains
NPCW Pen Pal fromSan Antonio TX
Hot Air Balloon Themes

Dear Bobbi,
Your NPCW Post Card: “Don’t Go Soft on Terrorism”
is outstanding.
I took it to the Senior Center here and they wanted to learn
more about your hobby. They were very interested.
“Best Wishes!”

Penny Blanchette

Hi Bobbi Mastrangelo,

I visited your website today. Wow! You are so innovative.
One can tell the creativity that lurks in someone’s brain by
her ability to see beyond what is before her eyes.
Manhole covers — who knew? I am inspired by wooden pallets
— really. When I see one, I start think about
how I can incorporate it into a piece of art.

I also enjoyed looking at your work on postcards.
They reminded me of Lenore Tawney’s postcard collages.
Have you heard of her? “Signs on the Wind” is
a book about her work.

Thank you again for visiting my website and your kind input.
I appreciate it.

Deborah Astley
(Rural) Oklahoma

Hi Bobbi,
Thank you for a wonderful NPCW post card and
story on the September 11, 2001 Terror Attack.
It is a special place for me.
I regret the loss of so many lives.

I am one of the many twin towers collectors.
You have done a lovely thing with your art.
I love this country and
I am proud to be an American.

Take care,
Phil Jackson
Your NPCW Pen Pal
Merrillville IN

Hi Bobbi,
What a site! Featuring postcards.
Were you surprised to find your card there?
I hope to see that piece, “Don’t go Soft on Terrorism,”
sometime as it is very thought provoking.
I liked the description of the various techniques that it took to do it.
I wonder where you come up with these things.
I guess that it is the Artist within you!!!
Long Island NY

Dear Bobbi
Thank you too for all the incredible postcard of Grateworks.
They are truly AWESOME! I love the one with the American Flag,
the Camouflage and the Freedom Fighters Postcard.
You did such a beautiful job, as always.

I will share these with Mindy Kronenberg at the college.
She was my writing mentor during the first semester
and she knows you from attending a writing class with you.

Keep up the Grate Work and will be in touch.
Best Wishes.
With Love,
St James, NY USA

Hi Bobbi,
Your work is a wonderful tribute and a “Grate” Reminder
to those who think the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are senseless.
How easily they forget.
Jane Wright
NPCW Pen Pal
Roadside Requiem
Series for NPCW


I distributed the 300 post cards that you sent and they were all very well received. I made note to explain to my Troop Commanders (Captains who are in charge of my five subordinate units) that the 12 ‘pen pal’ cards were to be given to those soldiers who do not regularly receive correspondence.
Thank you again for your thoughtfulness, generosity and patriotic nature. Your gift of your art helped raise the morale of my unit. The troops always enjoy being reminded why they serve – your cards did that and then some.

LTC Joseph D. Davidson
Commander, 1st Squadron, 14th U.S. Cavalry Regiment

Hi Bobbi,
That is beyond awesome and surely they made very good use of the Post cards. It brings it very close to home and is so very touching, “in real time” as the saying goes, but this is real- real time.
It is so soulful and brightens up and touches so many “when people care”, especially in their boots.
I am so proud of you and Thank You for sharing this with me. It fills my heart with goodness and affirmation, and true
human connection within.
Best Wishes and God Bless you and our Troops.
With Love,

Thank you for your continued support.
It is people like you that make
all servicemen (and women) remember
who they are serving for.

All the best,

LTC Joseph D. Davidson
Commander, 1st Squadron, 14th U.S. Cavalry Regiment

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