
Bobbi Mastrangelo “Artist With an Environmental Edge” Interview by Lynn Sanders Curley

The subject of the college term paper was “The Mark of Art” and I was delighted to be the chosen artist.


Dear Mrs. Mastrangelo,

You’ll be happy to know that your career and biographical background are well documented.  After a significant amount of research, here are some questions that are of interest to me. (Enclosed)

As I read the many interviews you have given,  I am very grateful (no pun intended) for  our interview on Tuesday April 1, 1997 and I am looking forward to it immensely.  Thanks again!

Bobbi Mastrangelo in her Port Jefferson Studio in 1997

Here are two sample questions:  “How have you found these manhole cover designs in so many cities:” and “How did your work move from renderings of street sculptures to a forum for your concern for the environment?”

Lynn Curly’s Interview: ‎ also linked on Bobbi’s bio Page.


Dear Bobbi,

Here’s the finished product.  There were page limits, but I used as many of the interview questions as possible to keep the flavor of our conversation which conveys your great enthusiasm and love for your work.  It was my pleasure to meet you.  I am  fascinated by your original art, your “super” organized studio, your rich and dedicated life style and your imaginative creativity.  Thank you for sharing some of your life with me.


Dear Lynn Curley,

It’s fifteen years after your interview and I am enjoying your paper, your notes and the notes from your professor: Mr. Tsontakis-Mally. He gave you an (A+) and added : “No such grade in graduate school, but clearly superb!”

Lynn, I’ll bet you still remember this professor fondly.  He dedicated two whole pages of glowing comments and insights about you beginning with: “A wonderful paper!” Let’s reminisce over some of his comments:  “So often, the work leads an artist to become an expert in the field.”…”Fun to read of the network of artists concerned with manhole covers.”

“Sewers of the World Unite” Moscow

Professor Tsontakis-Mally continues….Bobbi Mastrangelo’s (Master Angel) comments are illuminating and tell well of an artist’s method of finding the subject that fascinates. It is also to the credit of the interviewer (That’s you, Lynn) to bring out that which clearly is of interest. He wrote: Lynn, I do not know what your life’s path holds, but Bobbi’s advice is tops “Hold Fast to Your Dreams.” It has been a pleasure and an honor to have you in the class.  P.S. I have always believed that 1st person is often the best research.  Talk to Bobbi to see if there is a publishable use you can put to this rich writing. Good Luck! GTM

Well Lynn here is the first step.  Readers can find your creative interview on my blog and if anyone wants to publish it, we will link to the publishers site instead of the PDF linked on my web site.   “Grate  Wishes!” from Bobbi Mastrangelo.

4 replies on “Bobbi Mastrangelo “Artist With an Environmental Edge” Interview by Lynn Sanders Curley”


It’s always nice to see y’all at Starbucks! I logged on just to check my email before bed and was pleasantly surprised to see an email from you about our writing and your interview. I smiled all the way through your website – and your insight! Thank you for thinking of me.
Have a wonderful evening,
Author and Language Translator

Hi Bobbi
What a wonderful way to preserve …..manhole covers.
Last summer the Downtown Association of Fairbanks Alaska- getting more and more involved in public art had a proposal to Paint the Pipes. There are many old (as old as Fairbank can be….)steam pipes that run throughout the main street of the downtown part of Fairbanks they are either single pipes with a girth of 2-4 feet and a height from 8 to 14 feet high or a cluster of 2 -4 . They vent the old utilidor corridors under the city and in winter one can view the steam coming from these once old rusty eyesores to the now fanciful towers of fun subjects mostly with an Alaskan theme. We had a month as it was a late start on the project and our weather dictates our outdoor schedule.
I believe one can see more of these on the under “pipes” of course….
Perhaps Fairbanks should add manhole covers to the public art scene too.

Enjoyed your site and varied links!
Thank you for looking at my site.

Fairbanks Alaska

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