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Special Holiday Gift Exchange Story on my Autobiography

Some of you may have read the recent blog post with an excerpt from my upcoming autobiography about the founding of the Adopt-A-Spot Program in St.James NY. This blog post hosts the second excerpt from my future autobiography, very fitting for the season of gift-giving. For the PRINTMAKING Chapter, my Developmental Editor suggested adding anecdotes […]

Anti-Litter Biography Environmental Action

“It’s a Grate Life,” will be Mastrangelo’s Autobiography

It’s been six years since the occurrence of a Hemorrhagic Stroke. Thank God, I am a fortunate survivor.  At age eighty-six, I have been reflecting at all my amazing adventures as a wife, educator, mother, manhole artist, community activator, polyglot, sister, and friend. I have been attempting to put many of my experiences into an […]

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