The Member Artist Showcase by the Smithtown Township Arts Council features unique original art displayed in the lovely historic Mills Pond House. A former resident of St. James and then Port Jefferson, Bobbi has maintained her membership and participates annually in their members’ show.
“Florida Citrus 467-1” is a departure from her normal street scenes, but because she can’t visit the exhibition, she sent the “Flavor of Florida” instead. This mixed media relief artistically represents the vital elements for Florida’s Dominant Crop: Light, (for sun) water, soil, seeds and its most famous product: oranges.
Here are the step by step photos and story of its creation:

Opening Reception Sat. Oct 10th at 2:00 PM
October 10, 2015 – January 8, 2016
View a Slide Show of Members’ Artworks:
Smithtown Township Arts Council
Mills Pond House
660 Route 25A
St. James, NY 11780
Phone: 631.862.6575
Office Hours: 10am-4pm Wednesday – Friday,
12pm – 4pm Saturday and Sunday* For Current Exhibitions
If you are able to attend the exhibition,
please share your comments on this blog.
9 replies on “Bobbi Mastrangelo’s “Florida Citrus 467-1” on Exhibit in St. James NY October 10 – Jan. 8, 2016”
Your imagination juices never stop flowing . . .
YOU are one of the wonders of the art world!!
Thanks so much for sharing.
Love to see your work.
Will forward on to Greg & Jean
who will be visiting you next month.
Shirley Lloyd,
Your Cousin
So creative Bobbi!!
Never cease to amaze me! Love it!
Cindy Betschen
Your Sister-in-Law
Hi Bobbi,
That piece looks like so much fun !!!……..Congratulations !!!
Arline Goldstein
St. James Artist and Educator
It is really nice to have your old home town exhibit
their now famous past residents work…
Your Brother-in-law
That’s cool that its on display up there. Really looks great!
As for me, I haven’t done any glass since spring. The summer heat just wouldn’t quit. I should get things started back up in a couple weeks.
Heading north for a short time to see family and then get the fires going.
Take care.
Steve, The Glass Man
Steve Monser is “The Glass Man.”
He created the Water Drops superbly and
Exactly to my specifications.
He forms exquisite glass pieces and also
gives classes in Glass Blowing
Hi Bobbi — we exhibited together at a PJ Village gallery.
I recognized your signature work at STAC this week.
I see you’ve gone” soft-sculpture”! Keep on, keep on… Chao!
P u r a Cruz
Port Jefferson Artist
Hi Bobbi,
I went to Mills Pond House today to see what you had sent to the show!!! I was not disappointed! Your Florida Citrus was very well displayed and so well done! It was with other sculptures. Yours was very professionally done.
I like the theme that you present in your piece. I also like the write up that you gave for us to read! It was fun to see your latest from the land that you now live!!! Thanks for a fun afternoon!!!
Your Former Neighbor,
Thank you so very much for sharing your wonderful creations with us…we do love them so!
Warmest regards,
Allison Cruz
Smithtown Township Arts Council
Mills Pond House Gallery
660 Route 25A
St. James NY 11780