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Bobbi Mastrangelo : finalist in the NRDC Environmental Contest

logo-Nat Resources Defense Council

In celebration of the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, The National Resources Defense Council announced the eleven finalists for our first-ever Environmental Art Prize.NRDC: The NRDC Environmental Art Prize

  • Mary Coelho pic pic pic pic pic
  • Kim & Zach DeBord pic pic pic pic pic
  • Bridget Grady pic pic pic pic pic
  • Saundra McPherson pic pic pic pic pic
  • Janet Culbertson pic pic pic pic pic
  • Bobbi Mastrangelo pic pic pic pic pic
  • Ted Hayward pic pic pic pic pic
  • Cole Gerst pic pic pic pic pic
  • Shirley Felts pic pic pic pic pic
  • Elsie Hill pic pic pic pic pic
  • Nick Savides pic pic pic pic
  • To enter, artists were required to submit images of six environmentally related paintings, drawings, prints, or mixed media pieces via Flickr by April 6, 2010.  I entered six art works based on water protection and conservation.

    Water Service
    Water Service

    The winner, as chosen by their  jury: Saundra McPherson ( along with finalists Bridget Grady, Janet Culbertson, Ted Hayward, Cole Gerst, Elsie Hill, and Nick Savides — will be exhibiting their work at the Nabi Gallery ( in New York City starting on June 10th, 2010.

    Even though I was among the four whose work will not go on to New York City, I was pleased to be among the top eleven.  I was delighted to be in the company of  Janet Culbertson, a former colleague.  I was one of the six invitational exhibitors in: “Listen to the Earth” at Hamilton College in Clinton NY ( 1994) which was curated by Janet.

    4 replies on “Bobbi Mastrangelo : finalist in the NRDC Environmental Contest”

    Good Morning Bobbi,

    It was so nice to see you at the Poinciana Business Expo this weekend. I am so glad you like the way our new administrative building is coming along for The Toho Water Authority. We plan to move in the second week in August (fingers crossed) and are looking to have the Grand Opening the last week in July or first week in August. As soon as a date has been picked I will inform you of the details. If you would like to have a piece of artwork displayed at the grand opening please let me know and I can also work on having that arranged.

    I absolutely loved your idea of setting up an exhibit during National Drinking Water Week in May 2011.

    Congratulations again for placing in the NRDC Environmental Art Contest! How exciting!!

    Mary Rose Guidone
    Utility Information Coordinator
    Toho Water Authority

    Dear Bobbi,
    Congratulations on the NRDC award. I think it is a great project.
    Can’t wait to see what you put in the new TOHO office building. I love your work, it is very imaginative.
    Hope to see you soon,
    Linda Canty
    Solivita Artisans’ Guild member

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    Website is under construction currently, please revisit soon. Thanks, Bobbi
