
Bobbi Mastrangelo Featured Artist on Trashmanian Devil (Anti-Litter Site)

Searching one’s name on the internet often yields surprises, like finding myself as a featured artist on The Trashmanian Devil Web Site.  Truthfully, I am delighted to discover others who are passionate about pride in our environment. I captured a  few sentences of what he wrote about me:

Bobbi Mastrangelo is best known for her great grates–a body of work based on manhole covers.

Thanks to Bobbi, the Trashman no longer misses the beauty that is right under his feet when he’s on his daily litter-run.” 

I created about ten of these small prints on hand made paper, some with litter and some without.  The Trashman owns one of my prints without litter which you can view on his web site.  Here is another one of mine, with litter added.

“No Litter, When?”

Be sure to check out the other environmental art on his site and topics like Coffee Cup Art  and Trash Heroes:  Artist of the Week: Bobbi Mastrangelo | Trashmanian Devil Both The Trashman and I would enjoy reading your comments on our blogs.

9 replies on “Bobbi Mastrangelo Featured Artist on Trashmanian Devil (Anti-Litter Site)”

Bobbi, who is the person who has your piece hanging in their home? This is really interesting!!!! Did you just come upon this site when surfing the net?

Fun stuff to be sure!!!


A well deserved congratulations,Bobbi.
Kathy Glascott,
Solivita Book Circle Friend,
One of your Grate Works Art Collectors and
Fellow Buffalo State Graduate

You are awesome! Congratulations…
Idalia Pons Velez
Your Novel Group Book Buddy and Neighbor

Hi Bobbi!!! You are the Grate-est… Congratulations!!!!!
Cinthia Skura
Your Dress Designer and
Collector of Grate Works of Art

Congrats Bobbi! Great recognition, well deserved! Proud to have you as a neighbor and friend!
Ps. Your mind is on manholes and mine is in the gutter! Now you know I couldn’t resist!
God bless you and continue to provide the creativity, you have used so well! Love ya
Ron Miaskiewicz
Your Neighbor

the disconnect of the e
(one line ending with e-
nough starting the next line)
makes me think it will always be a constant struggle,
people who litter just don’t understand how personal
and sad it is to see litter.
Your Solivita Neighbor

I just LOVE these works of Great Grate art! It is an idea whose time has come! You are the Ultimate recycler! Thank you again for caring so much that you act with such love and create such beauty out of such ugliness like litter!
Do you have a facebook presence? I can not seem to find you. I want to send your website to my friends. I guess I don’t need your page, I’ll just post your website.
Much love!
Lauren Lane Powell

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