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27th National Post Card Week

Celebrates Art Carney as Ed Norton
 2010 Art Carney NPCW

 27th National Post Card Week   
Art Carney’s Ed Norton was the undisputed king of the city sewer system.  After Carney received a press release saying Mastrangelo’s 1994 exhibit of manhole art at The New York Hall of Science “would make Art Carney proud,” he penned her a personal note.

I got a kick out of the material and pictures you sent,” wrote Carney. He also sent Bobbi an autographed photo of Ed Norton climbing out through a manhole chimney.

Please check out this year’s post card and former cards on my National Post Card Week  Page.

Bobbi Mastrangelo- Postcards -“The Grate Works” -transforms manhole covers, sewers and grates into artistic streetscapes.

29 replies on “27th National Post Card Week”

About Art Carney,

In 1996, I sent my NPCW “Borough of Manhattan” post card to my Post Card Pen Pals. Included was an article about my “Carney Connection.”

Evelyn Adcock who did postage-stamped themed
cards for NPCW made this comment: Your Grate Card
is Great!

Don’t suppose you could get permission to
use the Art Carney photo for an NPCW Card.
It wouldn’t hurt to ask.

Ah! the power of suggestion lingered and I finally got to it!

Dear Bobbi,
Thank you for another great NPCW Card. I always liked Art Carney, especially in The Honeymooners. I just fixed a couple of toilets at my Hillsboro Armory, so I can relate to good old wise cracking “Ed Norton.”

It looks like you have several ongoing exhibitions of your art with your manhole cover theme that is so universal.

I’ve made several different cards based on two NW Centennials; Glacier National Park and Oregon’s Pendleton Round-ups.

I hope you enjoy them and I am looking forward to seeing your post cards in the NPCW directory and on Demaris Swint’s NPCW website.
Take Care!
John Staub
Aloha Oregon

Hi Bobbi,

Thanks for the post card–a “grate” collector’s item.

Author of “Manhole Covers”

Hello Bobbi,
It’s been a nice surprise to receive your NPCW card today. Quite original indeed and I do appreciate it for my collection. Tomorrow, I’ll be mailing one of my NPCW postcard that i realize for this year.
Best Regards,
Claude Brassard
NPCW Pen Pal

Greetings Bobbi,

Received your NPCW greetings. Many thanks and the same good collecting wishes to you. Art Carney lives on in the hearts of all manhole cover lovers . . . and others.

Susan Lane
New York
Taconic Post Card Club

Good Morning, Bobbi!

Your post card came yesterday!!! I did not know that Art Carney had written to you!!! And, of course, I should have thought about it as I did remember him and the sewer!!!! What a perfect ‘poster boy’ for your work!!!! This is fun!!!! I do save these cards and have quite a collection now. This is a good one.
I also like your ‘Molly’ card from “American Pride” and use it as a bookmark when reading.
You are clever!!!
Your former Pt Jeff, NY neighbor

Enjoyed your NPCW efforts this year, especially the Tribute to Art Carney. What a perfect connection to your art.
I sat next to Art Carney at a theatre in Pasadena early in the 1970’s. Sweet guy!
Jim Staub
Pasadena CA


To my famous cousin
Thanks for the latest info on your projects. The Art Carney one is one to remember! Don’t know how you keep up!

I have some autographs of some famous stars–but would have to dig deep to find them. However, I have one star with whom I posed for a picture and he autographed it. That was TOM JONES!!! Have it framed on a table in the bedroom!
That was my brush with fame!!!

Keep up all those energized projects.
Your Cousin,
Shirley LLoyd

Hi Bobbi,
One of my favorite NPCW cards for 2010. This looks like me at work somedays so maybe I’m a little partial to old Art Carney? Thanks again for the card, Bobbi. Hope you got mine.
Your NPCW friend,
John Staub (Twin Brother of Jim Staub)
Oregon USA

Hi Bobbi,
I enjoy doing NPCW so much.
Your post cards will add so much to my collection.
Barbara Turnbull
NPCW Pen Pal
Mission TX

Hi Bobbi,
Thank you so much for sending this to me. I love
the Art Carney post card – it is a trip- and will share it
with some devoted fans and fellow lovers of the Honeymooners.
Finished college and graduating on the 13 th of June.
Mostly, hope all is well and keep up the Grate works!!!!!
PS shared your post cards to the troops with John the
Photographer. He loved it!
Good Luck
With Love, Tia

The 2010 NPCW News is a treasure trove of information. Plus Roger and I both love the autographed post cards featuring Art Carney.
What a treat! You have such an interesting life. When I hear stories of all the people with whom you connect all over the world, I am truly amazed. You are a treasure.

Ellen, PTC Graduate of your Positive Thinking Coaching.
(pursuing post-graduate field work in PT. The job never ends!)

Thank you for the very special NPCW post card. Good Old Norton. He is pictured just as I remembered him.

Tom A. Franko
The Arizona Steelworker.

Thank you for your kind thoughts about
my love of birds and wildlife around solivita.
I am so amazed about your connection with Art Carney.
I remember “The Honeymooners” and watched it weekly.

Dear Bobbi,
What a nice surprise receiving your special card for NPCW.
Your selection of manhole art is quite interesting. It sure
provides pleasant memories of Art Carney in “The Honeymooners”
to which Old Folks can easily relate.
Stay well, be happy, do the things you enjoy!
Valeria Wolf
Nipomo CA

Hi Bobbi,
Your Art Carney Card is so appropriate!!
One of my all time favorite shows. Neat!
Thanks for your Grate Card!

TRIVIA: in the autographed photo of Art Carney he is exiting a manhole. What manhole is it? The standard NYC DEP manhole? Water? Sewer? Transit? Port Authority? Parks?
PATH? (Yes, PATH has been around since the late 1800s.) WSNY? H&M RR?

I know the answer.

It might even make a nice painting/postcard to add to your collection!

My very best regards,

Dear Bobbi,
Long time – no hear! I hope you and your family are well.
Florida huh…gimme a break. hahahahah
I still show off your postcards every chance I get and think of you and your artwork often.

I have acquired the remainder of Flockhart Foundry’s drawings.
These are basically simple drawings. But they were used to make the wooden patterns of the items. Some ARE good enough to matte and frame.They are pencil and/or ink on velum, mylar, or linen. My intention is to sell them online as works of art.

My very best regards,
Dan Lane
Former Employee of Campbell Foundry

Hi Bobbi
Guess what Sold some of the Grateworks cards !!
2 each of GT1,2,3,5 In the Grates Listing.
Am trying to seee where else I can link to it.
Will start an account file for you and share the profit, even though you told me to keep it all for the 20 cards. If more orders arrive will let you know when I run out.

It sure takes time for collectors to find things. Guess Google and yahoo, etc. are finally picking it up in their indexing.
Walter Kransky

I received your post cards today. Thanks you so much.
I especially like the Art Carney card. I remember watching
reruns of the Honeymooners with my parents.
I’ll be sure to stay in touch as interesting things may
come my way that may could interest grateworks.
Ford Meter Box Co.

Loved receiving your post card of The Art Carney Photo signed to you. I haven’t thought of Ed Norton in years. It was a funny and enjoyable show. I remember Jackie Gleason as King of Carnival in New Orleans many years ago. Was fun to go back there for a minute.
Wish you all the best, and congratulate you on all your success. You have a gift and by using it you make the world richer and in so doing you enrich yourself and your family. You are truly blessed. Wish you all the best in 2013.
Your Maryvale High School Classmate,
Mary Anne Haring Sanchez.

We love your post cards especially “Art Carney.” Quite an honor and you deserve it.
We always appreciated your art. We still have one of your first pieces, a woodcut: “Thalia”-‘87-lady in blue holding and picking flowers.
Not sure if I ever told you that as a “kid” in Brooklyn I always looked at “manhole covers”-the art work always caught my eye, as well as the inscription such as “DWS”- as a Brooklyn kid we had our own definition for the letters.
I continue my work with the Cooley’s Anemia Foundation –we are quickly moving towards a gene therapy cure-soon.
Stay well
Love and peace

About Art Carney,

In 1996, along with my “Borough of Manhattan” grate post card,
I included an article about my “Carney Connection.”

Evelyn Adcock who did postage-stamped themed
cards for NPCW made this comment: Your Grate Card
is Great! Don’t suppose you could get permission to
use the Art Carney photo for an NPCW Card.
It wouldn’t hurt to ask.

Ah! the power of suggestion.

My great grandfather was edwin maher of maher and flockert. Any postcards of him and his foundry available. It wasin newark nj
Thank you

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