Environmental Art Grates News-Events Sculptures

Pollution Solution on Exhibit in St. James NY USA

Bobbi Mastrangelo’s “Pollution Solution” at The Mills Pond House Gallery from November 19, 2011 – January 7, 2012.

Holiday Market:  Dec. 2-4, 2011 and Dec. 10-11, 2011

This Exhibition is sponsored by the Smithtown Township Arts Council showcasing original artwork by its members at The Mills Pond House Gallery.  Hand crafted originals by Member Artists are also for sale during this holiday season.

Mills Pond House-Water Color by Katherine Hiscox

The Mills Pond House is located at 660 Route 25A    St. James NY 11780

Hours: Mon. – Fri. 10 – 4 :00    Sat. – Sun.  Noon – 4:00

 Phone 1 (631) 862-6575

Smithtown Township Arts Council – Home

Pollution Solution

“Pollution Solution,” a miniature rotating sculpture, follows its companion piece, “The Essential Element” which Bobbi Mastrangelo exhibited at STAC’s 2010 Annual Member’s Show. Both creations are 6″ high by 6.5″ square. Have you observed the stenciled faucet, water drop and environmental message “Don’t Pollute” near a common street grate or storm-water drain?  Municipalities are realizing that residents need to be educated about keeping our waters safe.  What ever goes down meets the ground water below. Remember how the water cycle rotates through evaporation, condensation, precipitation. etc.                                                                                                                                                                                            

No used oil, pet waste or harmful elements should go down the drains.

That is a Pollution Solution!

6 replies on “Pollution Solution on Exhibit in St. James NY USA”

Good Luck Bobbi,
You are the best and grate-est!!!
Was at the Mills Pond House and saw your
Grate work there. “Pollution Solution” is precious.
Did some volunteering and had some fun.
The book sale and the Holiday Boutique were very successful.
Suggested they have a Cheyenne American Indian event-
may be in the works, it would be so cool for all concerned.
Have the Merriest of Christmases!,
Love to you and all!
Your former dress designer

Hello Bobbi!

” Pollution Solution” is a ‘grate’ way to send a message !! The sculpture is most attractive and clever in it’s presentation. I thoroughly enjoyed this piece when visiting Mills Pond House this past week. You have so many ways to send the message to all and “Pollution Solution” is a winner!!

From your web site, I see that you continue to be very active in getting your message ‘out there’ and I enjoy reading of your accomplishments .

Congratulations to you, Bobbi!!!

Marilyn Abt
Your former Pt.Jefferson Neighbor

We will have snow flurries for the first time tonight-
getting raw outside and feel it.

Mostly wished to tell you about turtle shell health. com
Sent Ivo your web site, one of his friends is making
a video called “tapped” about plastic drinking water bottles.

Thought about turtle shells and manhole covers and how
roundup is now coming down in the rain water.

Just an idea! Turtle shells would make a great Grate!
Hope all is well, keep up the grate work Bobbi!
With Love,

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