This cartoon created by Renee E. Johnson of Minneapolis Minnesota arrived with her interactive post card for National Post Card Week. The smiling cartoon gal is holding a water valve cover celebrating NPCW which is the first full week in May. Since 1991, I have participated in NPCW. The post cards are from all over […]
Month: May 2010
May 2- May 8th, 2010 National Post Card Week is celebrated during the first full week of May. Because I am celebrating Art Carney as Ed Norton, the Undisputed King of the City Sewer System as he appeared in the famous TV cit-com The Honeymooners, ….I declare the following dedication: My 2010 Post Card is […]
Celebrates Art Carney as Ed Norton 27th National Post Card Week Art Carney’s Ed Norton was the undisputed king of the city sewer system. After Carney received a press release saying Mastrangelo’s 1994 exhibit of manhole art at The New York Hall of Science “would make Art Carney proud,” he penned her a personal note. […]
American Pride Sculpture
The patriotic theme for National Post Card Week 2009 would be based on a new sculpture relief. After many sketches, I arrived at a satisfactory design of a patriotic manhole cover for a sidewalk scene. USA Manhole Cover Once it was completed, I set it into a durable foam piece. To look authentic, it needed […]