Dwight Pritchett was featured in Michelle Ward’s Blog:October Manhole Madness. http://michelleward.typepad.com/michelleward/2016/10/rub-on-lift-off.html I found a Kindred Spirit.
The city of Pittsburgh supplies Dwight with a rich abundance of history and inspiration when he rides his bicycle over it’s streets and sidewalks. Dwight has enjoyed working on a project that he calls Manhole Art. These functional pieces of metal were designed as practical windows into the earth below our man made world. Dwight Pritchett creates contemporary art from the graphically and historically interesting manholes that we walk over everyday.

Dwight was born in Wilkinsburg, PA and lived in various other locations until he ended up back in Pittsburgh pursuing a degree at the Art Institute. He worked as an airbrush artist at several studios until he started his own business (Pritchett Studio) pritchettstudio.com. Along with his wife Bonnie, the studio has successfully evolved into an award-winning digital photo-illustrating business. Their talented daughter, Mollie has recorded his art with impressive photographs.

These functional pieces of metal were designed as practical windows into the earth below our man made world. Dwight creates contemporary art from these graphically and historically interesting manholes that we walk over everyday. Dwight refers to his rubbings as “lifts” Dwight makes the impression of a cover with conte crayon on canvas then returns to his studio to complete the piece.

Dwight says he takes inspiration from the lighting, surrounding color and environment to finish the composition. Some of his titles tell you exactly what time he was on the streets.

He is able to duplicate the actual size and design a manhole cover on canvas. With the magic of color and shading, he turns them into a piece of art to hang in a home or office. The oldest cover he did is on the North Side of Pittsburg dated 1845. Dwight feels that his art has something to offer guests visiting our city and to inspire people who live in Pittsburg.

Examine his Street Art above and notice the hidden figure hovering over the covers. : https://www.facebook.com/ArtbyDwight/welcomes your comments here and on his website or Facebook page. Visit Dwight’s web site artbydwight.com or Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ArtbyDwight/.
3 replies on “Magnificent Manhole Art: Artbydwight.com”
Thank you Bobbi.
My manhole art has been a creative challenge and it helps to have your support and encouragement. Thank you for telling my story. Keep on looking down.
Dwight Pritchett
Yay! More COVERage of Dwight! Happy to see him here on your blog Bobbi. “Practical windows”, great phrase.
Thanks for pointing out Dwight Pritchett’s description of Manhole Covers. We may have a Genius among us who has coined a new definition of manhole covers.
“These functional pieces of metal were designed as practical windows into the earth below our man made world.” ~ Dwight Pritchett.
Thanks for your “Grate News!”
“The Cover Girl”