Five of Bobbi Mastrangelo’s unique sculpture relief works will be on view from July 7 – October 31, 2017 in Orlando Museum Art’s 1st Thursdays Collaboration with the Hyatt Regency Hotel on International Drive.
The Orlando Museum of Art (OMA) and Hyatt Regency Orlando have formed a partnership that brings selections from the work of Central Florida artists from OMA’s monthly 1st Thursdays event to the Hyatt Regency Orlando and their guests.

The 1st Thursdays Program of The Orlando Museum of Art and The Hyatt Regency have been exhibition partners for eighteen months. This partnership has been amazing because it gives the hotel guests a deeper glimpse into The Orlando Area Culture which is so much more than just a theme park area.

Visitors are encouraged to see the Orlando Museum of Art to experience firsthand their phenomenal collections, exhibitions, and programs.