
Bobbi Mastrangelo’s Art displayed at 1st Thursdays 2017 Summer Exhibition at the Hyatt Regency Orlando

Five of Bobbi Mastrangelo’s unique sculpture relief works will be on view from July 7 – October 31, 2017 in Orlando Museum Art’s 1st Thursdays Collaboration with the Hyatt Regency Hotel on International Drive.

Bobbi Mastrangelo's Art in The Hyatt Spa Hallway
Bobbi Mastrangelo’s Art in The Hyatt Regency Spa Hallway


The Orlando Museum of Art (OMA) and Hyatt Regency Orlando have formed a partnership that brings selections from the work of Central Florida artists from OMA’s monthly 1st Thursdays event to the Hyatt Regency Orlando and their guests.

Florida Storm Sewer (Do Not Pollute)
Florida Storm Sewer (Do Not Pollute)

The 1st Thursdays Program of The Orlando  Museum of Art and The Hyatt Regency have been exhibition partners for eighteen months. This partnership has been amazing  because it gives the hotel  guests a deeper glimpse into The Orlando Area Culture which is so much more than just a theme park area. 

Mastrangelo's Orlando Manhole Covers
Mastrangelo’s Orlando Manhole Covers

Visitors are encouraged to see the Orlando Museum of Art to experience first hand their phenomenal collections, exhibitions, and programs. 

Glendora Water and Inside 52GA-R
Glendora Water and Inside 52GA-R                                                        

1st Thursday’s Art is showcased at the Hyatt in the hallway leading to their Fitness Center, just off of the Lobby and is rotated out every three months. They feature anywhere from 6-8 artists selected from the 1st Thursday’s Collection. What’s even more spectacular is that all 1st Thursday’s Artwork is available for purchase!

The artworks of Angelia Nunez Avila, Eric Llewellyn, Michael Rothwell, Phyllis Thomas, and Suzanne Micalizio are also featured in this exhibit.

Bobbi Mastrangelo with Best in Show at Orlando Museum of Art
Bobbi Mastrangelo with Best in Show at Orlando Museum of Art in 2014   

Bobbi Mastrangelo with “Inside 52GA-R” which was a “Best of  Show”  winner at Orlando Museum of Art’s 1st Thursday Exhibition “Inside Out” in May 2014.

Hyatt Regency Orlando                                                              9801 International Drive                                                     Orlando Florida 32819  USA 

1st Thursdays
Orlando Museum of Art
2416 N. Mills Avenue
Orlando, FL 32803

14 replies on “Bobbi Mastrangelo’s Art displayed at 1st Thursdays 2017 Summer Exhibition at the Hyatt Regency Orlando”

Congratulations Bobbi,
Great looking display. If we end up near the Hyatt we will go see the exhibit.
George Holland
Solivita Artisan’s Guild

Hi Bobbi,
That’s really awesome! I love the idea of the Gallery sharing art with the hotel.
See you soon.
Barbara Buschek
Solivita Artisan Guild

Hi Bobbi,
Glad you’re at the Hyatt – wishing you sales!
Amelia Jordan
Solivita Artisan’s Guild

Congrats Bobbi
Perhaps you could share with club how you go about entering this. Your work looks Grate as usual.

Hi Bobbi, You did it again!! The sculptures displayed represent the scenes that we all take for granted but you brought them to our attention as works of art! Thank you so much!

Congratulations!! So glad to see your talent and hard work displayed in the City of Orlando for people to enjoy now and for years to come. You are leaving your mark on our community, city and area with your unusual artwork.

We usually tell kids our get their minds out of the gutter, but we are glad that you have had your mind on sewer lids for the past years! Keep up the “Grate” work!
Warm regards,
Terry and Dee Roderick

Good for you. Congratulations. It looks great. Sorry I will not be in that area any time soon. Regards,

Congratulations, Bobbi! You are a star. You make us Solivitans very proud.


Zynia De Leon-Rionda
Carpe Diem!

Congratulations Bobbi,
What beautiful work you do and so happy to see you are displaying it many places so others can enjoy them too. What talent you have & to share is very wonderful!
If you ever car pool to Int’l Drive please let me as I would love to go see your exhibits.
Audrey Lauer of Solivita

It is so good to see that your talent, skills and products are forever in the forefront of the World of Art here in Orlando. A testimony to your drive and passion. I will keep the date in my calendar.

Ann Branford

Hi Bobbi,
Your exhibit looks amazing.
Good to see you continue your artistic endeavors.​

Terry Arzillo

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