Art Happenings News-Events

Don’t Go Soft on Terrorism

May 2007
The Osceola Center for The Arts

Juried Exhibition in Kissimmee, Florida
“Don’t Go Soft on Terrorism” was on view during the month of May

Click image to enlarge

Dont' Go Soft on Terrorism - 2006

Collage Detail

  Sculpture Relief with Collage – Created 2006

Grate Diameter 23″  Rim and Chimney Support  26.5′ x 4″ deep. Collage Detail
Act of War - Detail
Act of War – Detail

One reply on “Don’t Go Soft on Terrorism”

Hi Bobbi,

I received an email that contained a link to your website and previewed some of the work you have created. The Grateworks “Don’t Go Soft On Terrorism” and the “Hazardous Waste Site” creations are just the types of work we are looking to showcase in our new online art publication that will be released online after September 15, 2011.

I would like to invite you to view our website and the information we have provided regarding our publication and our Call For Art. It is a FREE Marketing Opportunity and our attempt to help artists “spread the word” to others through their work about Social Concern and Environmental Issues. We have included detailed information about our Call For Art in our Newsletter and will be glad to send you a copy.

Every little bit helps!

Thanks for caring!

Karen Camilovic

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