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Post Card Blessings

Irish Blessing Post Cards can be sent as little gifts of caring.  Just add your own prayers and get well thoughts or copy the Irish Blessing onto it. Signed post cards of my sculpture relief can be purchased from    

MASTRANGELO GRATES Postcards Waltspaper
Irish Blessing Post Card

The two previous blogs tell all about the creation of this art work.

One reply on “Post Card Blessings”

Dear Bobbi,
I have considered my ‘help’ in your studio one of the satisfying times
in my life. I learned a lot and did enjoy being around an artist who was
consistant and always trying new ideas. It was fun for me and I wish
that I lived in Fla or that you hadn’t moved to Fla. so that it could

E mail is a wonderful medium and I am grateful for it.
Far-away friends come into my home each day.
So we will continue our friendship from afar.

My Blessing to you and Al.

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