Children's Art Holiday Celebrations News-Events Positive Reinforcement

Happy New Year 2011!

Nine-year-old girl’s delightful drawing of happy little creatures celebrating The New Year.

Sophia's "Happy New Year, 2011"

Our nine year-old granddaughter drew this whimsicle happening two days before the New Year.  Perfect for my blog : “Grate Thoughts!”  Sophia’s picture just exudes happiness and hope for 2011.

Sophia donning the hat of "Cat in the Hat"
Granddaughter Sophia, the artist

I was amazed at how much detail Sophia included in her drawing….  how about  the animals blowing those noise-makers.  Did   you notice the tiny mouse  joining the fun?

Sophia definitely inspired me to get back to the drawing board to create new art works.

Her Dr. Suess Hat encourages sharing books with  little kids and taking  time for your own leisure reading.

How did she inspire you?  I look forward to your comments and your wishes for the New Year.

7 replies on “Happy New Year 2011!”

Dear Bobbi,
Time goes so quickly, already we are marching through the lst month of 2011.

Thanks for the privilege of my placing remarks regarding your unique work of art. I’m very glad that, from time to time, notice is taken of your work by beneficial sources so that it can be channeled to like artists and other folks who will appreciate, or be fascinated, by your talented efforts.

Your grandchildren, Drew and Sophia, seem to be inspired by your artworks, which in itself is a great compliment to a Grandma.

All the very best to you and Al for a very healthy and altogether a good year.

At Solivita

Dear Bobbi,
One can clearly see where Sophia got her talent.
Very cute and lots of detail.

Happy New Year to you and your family

Sheila Sharfarz,
Solivita Artisans’ Guild Member

Your New Years Blog articles were fun to read. It Looks as if you may have budding artists in your family! Sophia has several fun ideas in her art work and Drew shows a thoughtful side. Thanks for these.

Dear Bobbi,
Sophia and Drew’s Art & Photos are inspirations
Anyway, your grandchildren are a delight and talented,
like their grandparents Mastrangelo!

Keep true to your “Bobbisms” and be very well,
Much love,

Dear Bobbi and Al,

Thank you very much for your warm-hearted letter and cards.

I’m all right and none of my family was injured. The March 11th Tsunami and earthquake were so terrible that I can’t describe it well enough in my English.
We spent shivering in the cold and dark two nights because of stopping the electric and gas supply. However, we live in Morioka far from the centre of the earthquake, the 23 meter tsunami and Hukushima nuclear accident. No damage here. Though there are still occasional aftershocks, we are all safe. Thank you for thinking of us.

We enjoyed Sophia’s pictures on your website.
Sincerely yours,
Masayuki Shiga
Morioka JAPAN

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